Automatic store discounts: 10% for 3 packs, 15% for 5 or more packs

Warning / Safety

Neodymium magnets are unexpectedly strong for their size. They are not your typical fridge magnet. It is important to follow the suggestions below to prevent any fatal accidents. 

  • Keep magnets away from young children.
  • Neodymium magnets pose a swallowing hazard. Ingesting multiple magnets or a magnet and steel can cause them to attract in the intestines, leading to surgical emergencies or fatal punctures.
  • When Neodymium magnets collide together or to steel, medium and large sizes can pinch and wound skin, or cut clothing.
  • In a collision, these magnets accelerate at very high speeds, and possibly shatter which can result in debris of sharp chips. Eye protection is advisable.
  • The large sizes, or a stack of large diameter discs, are capable of acting like a hammer, crushing fingers.
  • They should be kept a sensible distance (where the pull is negligible) from credit cards, electronic devices, pace makers, GPS, and other possibly sensitive electrical equipment. The magnets can damage these.
  • If working with larger magnets, see below for more tips.

Safe handling, especially for larger magnets:

  • Be aware that because they are so strong for their size, most of our magnets are too strong to hold apart with the fingers when they get close together. There is a possibility of magnets suddenly slipping out of a user’s fingers and crashing together. This will result in possible shattering. (Damage is far less likely if they are attached to something larger, say a cupboard door.)
  • Be aware that when magnets are stacked they become stronger. For example: 4 units of a 20mm x 5mm magnet, stacked together, equates to the same strength as a 1 unit of a 20mm x 20mm magnet.
  • To separate one magnet from others, slide them apart. 
  • To separate strong magnets that are hard to slide, place them on a non-metal surface like a bench, with the magnet to be separated extending beyond the edge. Secure the row of magnets with one hand, and with the other hand, firmly grasp the magnet to be separated. Push down and away until magnetic attraction ceases. Hold the separated magnet tightly in a closed fist until safely distanced.
  • To avoid chipping magnets when re-stacking them, first make contact with an edge, then part of a face, then slide them together. For the largest magnets, stack them again by carrying out note 4 in reverse.
  • When handling magnets larger than 15mm, it is recommended to wear gloves to avoid pinching the skin of the fingers.
  • Separated magnets will always want to crash together, usually very suddenly without warning. Do not handle multiple magnets at the same time unless they are stacked together, or widely separated, or safe inside two closed fists.
  • When placing large magnets together, place a non-magnetic spacing material between them, e.g. a piece of plastic, wood or cardboard, so they are easier to separate when needed.
  • Maintain a safe distance between magnets and magnetically susceptible items. Pay particular attention to scissors, knives, steel tools, and other sharp metal objects.
  • Maintain a safe distance from items that may be damaged by magnets, e.g. magnetic recording devices, credit cards, electronic items, small motors, pace makers, etc. (A safe distance is where the pull to steel or another magnet would be negligible.)